History in The Tunnel

Below the Historic Hilton Capitol Center lies a secret tunnel that many have heard about, few have seen.
The tunnel is steeped in history and played an important role during Huey P. Long’s political life.
Completed in the late 20’s , the tunnel served as a connector between two hotels and allowed the opulent, full-service Heidelberg Hotel to create a similar experience for the smaller King hotel across the street including room service, valet, and laundry services.
Later, The Tunnel became known as “Peacock Alley” as it was adorned with ornate mosaic tiles and was also widely used by hotel guests and clientele.
Huey P. Long worked and stayed in the Heidelberg throughout his career and even conducted business from his suite while under a looming impeachment from his Governorship. The media frenzy often caused the need for a quick escape, which The Tunnel provided. Could there have also been a mistress waiting for him at the other side of The Tunnel in the King hotel? If the rumors are accurate, it would have been his very own Secretary, Alice Lee Grosjean, who was only 16 years old when Huey appointed her. She even became acting Governor of Louisiana for a short period when Huey was elected Senator. Not only was she most likely the youngest acting Governor, but the only female during that time as well!